Dark Souls 3 Chaos Gem Location
Found in Anor Londo, next to a dead giant, to the left of the main doorway.
In Dark Souls 3, players have different ways to grab the Ore and various items. There are also few players who are unaware of the real use of these Ors in Dark Souls 3. You can use these Gems to improve Weapons and Shields via Upgrades which are done at the Shrine by the Blacksmith. So Here are the locations and the effects of all 15 Infusion Gem in Dark Souls 3.
Where to Find all the Infusion Gems
Fire Gem
The fire damage portion of weapons can be further increased by wearing the Fire Clutch Ring. The fire also has an additional stun, stagger or knock down effect against most enemies.
- Area: Undead Settlement
- Effect: Infuses a Weapon with Fire damage, but removes the stat Scaling.
- Location: You can get this Gem from the Begining as a Burial Gift. These can be a Rare Drop From:
- Fire Demon(Siegward of Catarina helps to defeat)
- Smoldering Rotten Flesh in Smouldering Lake
- Undead Workers in Undead Settlement
Refined Gem
Refined weapons have a balanced, mid range, Strength, and Dexterity scaling. Often the best Infusion choice for high-level characters who have invested heavily in both strength and dexterity.
- Area: High Wall of Lothric, Grand Archives, Lothric Castle
- Effect: Used in infusion to create Refined Weapons
- Location: You can farm this Gem at the Red Eyed Lothric Knight outside of the Dancer of the Boreal Bonfire. These can be a Rare Drop From:
- Red Eyed Blue Knight to the left of the entrance to Emma at her church(High Wall of Lothric).
- Near the Dragon Barracks bonfire, on a Corpse, in the midst of the blaze(Lothric Castle).
- Crystal Lizard(Grand Archives)
Heavy Gem
Heavy Weapons have lower base damage, but higher Strength scaling. The Farron Coal is also required to enable Heavy upgrades. No matter what the item has for scaling prior to, it will now only have a Str. Scaling.
- Area: High Wall of Lothric, Undead Settlement, Farron Keep
- Effect: Used in infusion to create Weapons along the Heavy upgrade path
- Location: Gift from Hawkwood after defeating Crystal Sage and These can be a Rare Drop From:
- Hollows(The High Wall of Lothric)
- Swamp Monsters and Slugs in the poison swamp(Farron Keep)
- Ghru(Unarmed) and Ghru Conjuration(Farron Keep)
- Hawkwood(if killed)
- Crystal Lizard(Undead Settlement and Farron Keep)
Raw Gem
Raw weapons have higher base damage but no stat scaling. These raw weapons inflict decent damage regardless of what stat investment is needed to wield the weapon. This leaves the player free to level other attributes needed for survival, like health and stamina.
- Area: High Wall of Lothric
- Effect: Infuse into a weapon to create Raw weapons
- Location: This Gem is a Drop from:
- Crystal Lizard and Hollows(High Wall of Lothric)
Crystal Gem
Crystal weapons inflict magic damage which scales with the Intelligence stat. Requires the Sage’s Coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: Road of Sacrifices
- Effect: Infuse into a weapon to create Crystal weapons
- Location: A Rare Drops From:
- Crystal Lizard(Before Crystal Sage)
- Sorcerer hollows in the Crucifixion Woods
- Large undead with a Great Axe
- Grand Archives Scholar(Grand Archives)
Hollow Gem
Hollow weapons can be buffed with Resins and Spells including scaling with Luck. Weapons and shields infused with Hollow will boost the wielder’s Luck stat at 15 or more hollowing, based on the upgrade level of the weapon and/or shield.
- Area: Farron Keep, Grand Archives, Road of Sacrifices
- Effect: Used in Hollow Infusion
- Location: Farmed from the staff wielding Corvians in Road of Sacrifices
Deep Gem
Deep Weapons inflict dark damage but also loses stat scaling. Requires the Sage’s Coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: Cathedral of the Deep and Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
- Effect: Infuse into a weapon to make Deep Weapons
- Location: These Gems are Dropped by:
- Thralls(Cathedral of the Deep)
- Deacons(Irithyll of the Boreal Valley)
Blessed Gem
Blessed Gem grants the infused weapon HP regen, Faith-based physical damage scaling, and bonus damage to reanimated foes. Any blessed weapon does 20% more damage against reanimated enemies. Attacks also prevent reanimated foes from reviving after they’ve been defeated. Also requires the Sage’s Coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: Cathedral of the Deep, High Wall of Lothric, Undead Settlement, Lothric Castle
- Effect: Infuse to create Blessed weapons
- Location: These Gems are Dropped by:
- Winged Knight(High Wall of Lothric)
- Evangelist(Undead Settlement)
- Corvian Storyteller(Farron Keep)
- Ascended Winged Knights(Roof of the Grand Archives)
Poison Gem
A gem of infused titanite. Discovered in the rotted forest of Farron. Such weapons inflict poison-laced damage that gradually eats away at foes.
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- Area: Farron Keep and Profaned Capital
- Effect: Used in infusion to create poison weapons
- Location: These Gems are Dropped by:
- Giant Demon Dogs, Slugs from the Poison(Farron Keep)
- Corpse guarded by three Giant Demon dogs(Keep Ruins Bonfire)
- Ghru Grunts
Sharp Gem
Sharp weapons have high Dexterity scaling but do not prevent resins/buffing the infused weapon. Farron Coal must be given to Blacksmith Andre to unlock sharp infusions.
- Area: Catacombs of Carthus and Undead Settlement
- Effect: Used in infusion to create sharp weapons
- Location: These Gems are Dropped by:
- Red-Eyed curved sword wielding Skeletons(Catacombs of Carthus)
- Greataxe wielding undead(High Wall of Lothric)
- Crystal Lizard(Undead Settlement and The Grand Archives)
Chaos Gem
Chaos weapons inflict fire damage and scale with Intelligence and Faith. The weapon is no longer able to be buffed with resin or spells after infusion and it requires the Giant’s Coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: Smouldering Lake and Catacombs of Carthus
- Effect: Used in infusion to create chaos weapons
- Location: These Gems are Dropped by:
- Crystal Lizard and a Corpse(End of the Smouldering Lake)
- Goat demons(Demon Ruins)
Lightning Gem
Adds Faith scaling to the weapon and lightning-infused weapons cannot be buffed by spells/miracles. It Requires the giant’s coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: Archdragon Peak and Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
- Effect: Used in infusion to create Lightning weapons
- Location: These Gems are Dropped by:
- Enemies near the Nameless King(Archdragon Peak)
- Blue Lothric Knights
Blood Gem
The Profaned Coal is also needed to infuse Blood Gems and lacerating weapons can not be buffed with resins or weapon buffs.
- Area: Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
- Effect: Infuse lacerating weapons, which inflicts Bleed damage to susceptible foes
- Location: You can find this by a tree after the Church of Yorshka bonfire in Irithyll of the Boreal Valley. and Also, a Rare drops from enchanted blade wielding Irithyllian Slaves.
Simple Gem
Simple weapons has Intelligence scaling, deal magic damage and restores FP while the weapon/shield is held in hand and it requires the Giant’s Coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: Irithyll Dungeon and Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
- Effect: Infuses to create Simple weapons
- Location: These Gem can be farmed from the Jailers in Irithyll Dungeon
Dark Gem
Dark weapons inflict dark damage and scale with the Faith and Intelligence stat. Requires the profaned coal in order to start infusing weapons.
- Area: High Wall of Lothric, Lothric Castle, Catacombs of Carthus, Consumed King’s Garden
- Effect: Used in infusion to create Dark weapons
- Location: These Gem are rare drops from:
- Mutated Undead(High Wall of Lothric and Lothric Castle)
- Rolling Boulder(Catacombs of Carthus)